Media Framework- Shelter Advert
-Who would be the intended audience for your advert and how is the best way to appeal to them?
- Who will be represented in the advert and why?
- Finally what media codes/ media language will you use to make the most effective advert?
a) The audience that the advert is going to be intended for is someone who has a similar problem as the characters in the advert. The audience will be shown how they became homeless just after an incident with they parents. this would make the audience feel sympathy for them and more connected will the characters.
b) Two girls will be represented in the advert which tell a story of how they became homeless after their parents got into an accident and how they got help from 'Shelter'. They would present the younger generation and how hard it is to get a house as the prices are very high especially for someone young who has a hard time finding a job.
d) Media language to use: -Different range of cinematography
- Keep the shots in dim light, so the characters look humble. - Use examples of celebrities that helped these sort of organisations to encourage people to donate and help 'Shelter'.
-The background sound should be serious and not upbeat music, more voice overs should be used.
- Statistics about the homelessness should be part of the voice over.
Planning and presenting ideas for Shelter Advert
1) Narration- telling the story of what happened to the sisters.
2) Add in Statistics about the homelessness in London
3) Ideas suggestions for music
4) Visuals- low light- to give it a serious mood
5) Range of shots to get the audience involved such as close ups.
Ideas for the advert:
-Walking past with his back to her
-She looks sad and lonely
-Representational code is good as her face is looking down and also looking down, she present someone who is down cast, that whole image plays a audience emotions
-She looks ordinary (she looks like a normal person who became homeless)
-The colour scheme was red ( it attracts peopels attension) (Connotation-what will it mean) (Denotation- description what you see)
-She is sitting against red fence which I choose to be the theme colour which connotaion suggest danger and also reminds people Shelter.
-She almost becomes invisible because she is homeless.
-It is a long shot (it works because it gives more information to the audience we get a idea of the weather which is better than a close up as it only focuses on on object/person
Media Institution
Instagram sponsored posts, Facebook,Twitter
15% of women in whole UK are homeless
we mainly see men being homeless
It would appeal to Uk people as the weather is really bad and they will feel bad how homeless people and staying in this weather all the time
When taking about audiece talk about passive audiences and active audience and talk about the hypodermic needle.
Media Frame Work
Media Language-(colors font)
Stills from the Advert:
Making a Poster for Shelter from the stills above:
The representation I choose was of a young homeless woman sitting by herself which looked better than other still as it is more appealing to the audience.
The representation I choose to use for Shelter Poster was along shot of a young homeless woman sitting by herself witch works because it gives more information to the audience, we get a idea of the weather which is better than a close up as it only focuses on one object/person.
This shot looked the best as we saw her face expression and the rest of the shot showed wet pavement, which showed how harsh it is to live on the streets in winter days. This shot also showed a person walking past her without noticing her. Also the representational code is good as her head is turned downwards which represents someone who is a down cast and almost invisible to other people just because they are homeless. This shot really plays on audience feelings, which is good because it will attract peoples attention.
Another, factor that was good about the poster was that it had many elements of red colour, which happens to be Shelters colour theme. The connotation of colour 'red' is associated with danger, blood, war etc. It this point 'red' suggests danger and also reflects characters feelings.
The reason we have chosen a young woman to play a homeless role was because now in many poster we a shown older men that are becoming homeless, but never woman especially young women. We have researched and found out that 15% of women in whole UK are homeless which is a shocking statistic. For this reason we wanted to have a younger woman in our poster to show that is doesn't matter the age or gender and that everybody can become homeless. This would make people be aware that homelessness is a serious issue and that the numbers of people getting homeless are growing throughout the years.
When making the poster I have used Photoshop to add statistics such as '1 million households are at risk of becoming homeless' and slogan 'Make a donation Save this Nation'. I have used different size front to show the importance of different words. I have also used a lot of colour 'red' to show the linkage to Shelter as it is mostly associated with red and white theme. Another, technique that I have used to get the audience to focus on the character is that I have made the whole image black and white except the character and the red fence behind her.
Brief chosen:
Create an advertising campaign for Shelter aimed at raising awareness of homelessness amongst young people. Create a short advert for TV/online and a poster.
How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?
The first area of the media framework is Media Industries. Before making our advert, we have researched about Shelters campaign and how they raise awareness about the issue of homelessness. We have looked online and managed to find Shelters official website and a YouTube channel where we found lots of their previous adverts. When researching we have found that Shelter uses social media to reach a wider audience and distribute their message about raising awareness about homeless people. Shelter uses Twitter and Instagram as it is popular among younger generation, knowing that it will get much attention through re-tweets, hashtags and shares. This is good advertising strategy, which is used by many charity campaigns. For our own advert we thought of uploading it on YouTube as this is the place where most people will see it. It could be placed on other videos and people would have to watch it before watching what their want. Another place would be Facebook as from our research I have found that there are 1.4 billion active users which visit Facebook on daily basis. This could increase the chance of people seeing the advert, who can also re-post it many times and reach an even wider audience. Another social media we would use is Instagram as it is more popular among young generation, which is our target audience. We would consider taking stills from our advert and posting them with the #donation4thenation which will link up with the poster campaign and any social media that we have used to promote our advert. Furthermore, we have considered to include a track called ‘Bridge over Troubled water’ by a famous artist Stormzy, as he spoke out about homelessness on many occasions. We could also ask him to re-tweet the advert which will grab more attention from the public because of his popularity among younger generation. The final idea about advertising our advert and poster was to display it on billboards outside Westfield shopping centre and on buses and underground in conjunction with TFL.
Additionally, it could be screened on TV, on channels such as ITV, BBC and Channel 4 between 5-6pm and in the mornings. The second area of the media framework is Audience. The target of our advert was to reach young people especially those under 25 and make them aware that homelessness is a serious and growing issue. This was not our only aim because we also wanted to show that it can happen with younger people as much as older people. The typical stereotype I advert are about old men who became homeless. As the director I wanted to change this stereotype and use younger actresses as this will appeal to our target audience and make them feel sympathy for them. We have researched that 15% of woman in whole UK is homeless. Therefore, we wanted to raise awareness about younger people who are homeless and especially woman because it is a serious issue, but not many people are concerned about it. The third area of the media framework is Representation. I chose to represent to young sisters who have lost a home due to an accident that happened with their parents. For example, we have used a long shot where the actress is sitting on the pavement, but she looks ordinary. The connotation is that she has recently became homeless, also suggesting to the audience that it can happen with anyone at any time. When filming the advert, we wanted to show that the characters looked vulnerable, which will play on people emotions and make them feel sorry of the characters. The final area of the media framework is media language. We have used a voice over in the advert to tell the story from the point of view of the characters. In the voice over we have included statistics such as ‘homeless people are 17% more likely to be attacked’. We had also used a flash back narrative in an mid eye level shot of the character talking to the camera to include with the voice over which portrayed a deeper meaning as the audience could see their face expressions and understand the terrible experience the characters went through. The main shots we have used were long shots because they gave more information about the character in the shot are their surroundings. One shot that I really liked and used it for the poster was a profile long shot of one of the actresses which was sitting on a wet pavement which connotates how harsh the conditions are on streets, which also makes the audience feel more emotive towards the character. Another key feature of this shot was that the actress was sitting next to a red fence and colour ‘red’ emphasises danger. In the beginning this shot was supposed to be used a time lapse, but we have thought that it looks good without the time lapse as you can see how people pass the character without giving her any attention. This show that people that are homeless are lonely and a considered as outcasts form that society as not pay any attention to them. Furthermore, when shooting the advert, we had poor weather which helped the shot look more grim and moody and show the reality of harsh conditions and how hard it is to survive during this kind of weather when you are homeless. Another, important element of media language we have used is adding emotive music to the background of our advert, which made it look more emotive and helped the audience understand that it is a serious issue. Finally, we have added graphics at the end of the advert such as contact number for Shelter and their website, so people would be able to fund the charity if they want.
Product 2 (Shelter Poster)
The first area of the media framework is media industries. I have used a still shot from the advert to create a poster, which was a profile long shot of the actress sitting on the pavement. The media platforms I would use to advertise my poster would be Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as they are the most popular media platform among younger generation. When posting the poster, I would use #donation4thenation as this is the hash tag I used on the poster and this will also link all the media together. Now younger people know how to use hash tags, so this will bring their attention and they might research more deeply about our advert and the issue about homelessness in UK. We also wanted to place the poster on YouTube, but it will not work as it is a still and YouTube supports videos, so instead of YouTube we would contact TFL and ask them if they can put our poster on busses and underground stations. The second media framework is audience. The audience we are aiming the poster at is younger generation as from a research we have found out that 86,000 young people have asked their local council for help because they are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. In our poster we have used a younger woman because we wanted to show that anyone can become homeless, but there are charities such as Shelter which help these kinds of people. Through using this shot people will understand the struggle these people are going through and will raise awareness about this situation. Other statistics that I have mentioned earlier was that 15% of all woman in UK are homeless, so through this poster we want to target them and show that it is not only old men that get homeless, but woman too and hope that this will make people raise money for the homeless. The third media framework is representation. We have represented a young woman in a profile long shot which looked better than other shots because it showed her facing down showing that she was lonely and isolated from the outside world. This shot also shows people walking past the actress showing the contrast between homeless people and the public and how homeless don’t get enough attention and are almost invisible. Furthermore, in the shot the actress sits next to a red fence and colour ‘red’ happens to be Shelters colour theme. The connotation of colour 'red' is associated with danger, blood, war etc. At this point 'red' suggests danger and reflects characters feelings. The colour ‘red’ will also remind the audience about the Shelters Logo.
The last media framework is media language. When making the poster I have used Photoshop to add statistics such as '1 million households are at risk of becoming homeless' and slogan 'Make a donation Save this Nation'. I have used different size front to show the importance of different words. I have also used a lot of colour 'red' to show the linkage to Shelter as it is mostly associated with red and white theme. Another, technique that I have used to get the audience to focus on the character is that I have made the whole image black and white except the character and the red fence behind her.
How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production?
To advertise our advert we would use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube because this is the main and best advertising strategy. We would mainly use YouTube as this is where most people go especially young people. Our advert can be placed on videos, so when people watch something they will have to watch our advert before watching what they want. This may encourage them to help homeless people by donating money. To make the donation easy we could create a Go Fund me page where people would choose who to donate to. Also, it would be really important to place the advert on the official website of Shelter as people would see that it is not a fake advert, as it is on the official charity website.Finally, when posting our advert and poster we would include #donation4thenation on each social media platform we post on, so when people research this hash tag they wil find everything that is connected with our advert and poster. Hash tag is a really good starategy to link all media that has the same subject.
Shelter Poster:
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Shelter Poster made using Photoshop |
Shelter Advert Youtube Link:
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